Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (Flutd) Is A Condition That Sometimes Goes By A Few Different Names.
Urinary tract diseases are common in cats and can cause discomfort and distress. If left untreated, a uti can lead to partial or complete blockage of the urethra. However, male cats can have serious complications from utis as well.
A Cat Uti Is More Common In Female Cats Than Male Cats.
A cure is possible in some cases. There are numerous causes for cat utis, whether bacterial or inflammatory. What are urinary tract infections in cats?
Symptoms Of A Cat Urinary Infection Can Include;
Painful urination (sometimes crying out while passing urine) urinating in the. Symptoms of a cat uti. Other cats dislike the chlorine and chemicals in tap water and are much happier when offered bottled water to drink.
A Urinary Tract Infection (Uti) Is Caused By Bacteria, Fungi, Or Viruses That Have Worked Their Way Into The Urethra (A Small Tube Where Urine.
This is most often caused by the bacteria found in their feces. Overweight cats are at a higher risk of cystitis. Keep your cat a healthy weight and make sure they get enough exercise.
In Cats, Chronic Or Recurring Utis Typically Indicate An Underlying Urinary Or Medical Issue That Needs To Be Addressed.
Feline lower urinary tract disease (flutd) is the formal medical term for a cat uti. Feed your cat cranberry capsules or ascorbic acid to. It describes any condition or bacterial infection that affects the bladder or the urethra of cats.